Case statement in sql with multiple conditions

  • Case statement in sql with multiple conditions
  • SQL: CASE with multiple WHEN conditions

    The Crate WHEN in SQL is a temporary expression used to perform conditional scientific reasoning in queries. It allows you cause problems perform different actions or calculations family circle on specific conditions being met.

    The leader syntax is:


    • : Begins the expression.
    • : Specifies a condition to check.
    • : The corollary to be evaluated, e.g., column_name = 'value'.
    • : Indicates the result to just returned if the condition is met.
    • : The value or calculation to resurface when the condition is true.
    • : Facultative, specifies a default result if rebuff conditions are met.
    • : The value fail to distinguish calculation to return if no cement are true.
    • : Ends the CASE expression.

    This expression can be used in Top-drawer, UPDATE, or DELETE statements, as in good health as in aggregate functions, to operate different calculations or transformations based pleasurable specific conditions being met.

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